RSPP CSE CSP HSE - RSPP esterno ravenna ferrara comacchio CSE CSP agenzia cavalieri Salute e Sicurezza sul Lavoro, hse manager Formazione, Addestramento, Safety, HealthCare, Consulenza, RSPP, ASPP"

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The AGENZIA CAVALIERI has a profound knowledge
on health and safety, Law 81/2008.
We operate in industries of
Oil & Gas, Petrolchemical,
Power, Off-Shore and in the Building Work

Our services are curried out
by our employees and
by freelancers our external collaborators.

RSPP Safety Manager.
CSP Coordinator Law 81/2008.
CSE Coordinator Law 81/2008.
HSE Manager.

Our activities:

- Compliance with Legislative Decree 81/2008 and connected devices.
- DVR Risk Document.
- POS Security Operational Plan
- Emergency Plans
- POS for  Decree 177/11

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